GiveCamp Memphis 2024 Venue

Thank you to Orion Federal Credit Union for hosting GiveCamp Memphis 2024 in their beautiful Downtown Memphis headquarters, at 400 Monroe Avenue 🗺!

Additional maps are available at the bottom of this page.

Orion Venue Map


Volunteers: Bakery Garage is adjacent to our venue. Enter from Monroe. Drive in and park for free in any spot with an Orion sign.

Nonprofit representatives: Your parking is across the street from Orion, also free. Enter from Monroe.

Everyone: Once you’re parked, walk to and enter Orion’s front door, also on Monroe. We’ll have a sign out front.

Event organizers are always up for a good chat while we walk you to your car. Just ask. 💚


Click the photo below to view more photos and read helpful information about the venue and parking.

Need Help?

Private security will be on-site all weekend.